Where to Watch 

Animal Practice


Animal Practice


If you love animals more than people around you, then, Animal Practice is the best TV show to watch in 2012 in your case. Why? Just because every character in Animal Practice prefers to deal with dogs, monkeys, birds, whatever, than with humans. However, they (characters) are not some homogeneous substance: some of them are "inappropriate ones", some "crazy ones", some "vulgar ones" and even some "nervous ones". This entire bestiary" is headed by Dr. George Coleman, who is, probably, most colorful representative of all these "kinds". He can easily make an analogy between a dog's behavior and values of average woman's life. Initially, it seems like he is wrong, but finally all of his predictions and analogies turn to be ultimately right. The animals in Animal Practice are "inappropriate" too: a monkey who rides a mini-ambulance all the season-long (this monkey earns 12,000USD for each episode, by the way), a suicidal cat, who tries to kill itself as his owner forces it to watch he Wendy Williams Show. And of course, Dr. Coleman has his own version of events and analogies with cat owner's intimate life, which he easily explains to her, sometimes playing it unsafe.

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Anna Miko

Anna Miko enjoys writing more than reading books. But most of all she likes to write movie and series reviews. Being fond of classic cinema, she nevertheless is the author of many research works on contemporary visual arts. She also writes short essays on new movies and series helping others to navigate the world of modern cinema.

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